Thursday, May 16, 2013

Winners and otherwise from the Oakland County golf tournament

Winner- Lake Orion golf. They had some early season hiccups. Now they have tied for first at the NexTee at Oakland Hills and have an outright lob sided win at the Oakland County Championships.

Winner- The course at PCC was in great shape. We have not had a lot of great early spring weather so the greens keeper should be commended. The wind was responsible for pushing scores much higher.

Winner- Freshman Michael Busse of Rochester- After playing Katke Cousins and The Sharf, most courses are a day off for this freshman. Your 74 was done on a tough day for scores. 

Winner- Alex Waelchli- Sr.  Waelchli's score of two under par 70 was done on a day where scores were several strokes higher for most of the field. When asked after the tournament if this is a career highlight and Waelchli pointed out that his win at the Regional last year trumps Wednesday's victory. 

Winner- OAA golf- This is definitely the best division in Oakland County golf and perhaps the state. With Rochester, Stoney Creek, Lake Orion and Rochester Adams, and Clarkston, this conference is a slug fest every time they meet. With the OAA tournament happening on Monday, this should be a great time to see where the pecking order is in this league.

The Otherwise...

Charlie Green-Sr. Catholic Central and Jeremy Ball- Brother Rice. High scores at a big moment are just bad days. Still, a duel would have been nice. I hope you have your duel next week during the Catholic tournament.

Lakeland had high hopes going into this tournament. Shooting a 328 and being 25 strokes behind the winning Lake Orion team cannot be what Hugh Felt's team had in mind.

  Academics-At least one of the top five players in Oakland County could not play due to grades. hit the books. Note to the golfer: We enjoy watching you play. 

High Scores- the wind played havoc on most of the players and many scores were greater than 77 with many being in the 80's. The wind definitely played a part in Wednesday's rounds with club selection and shot selection.

Other winners and otherwise- make your comments below.


  1. dylan deogun with a 72, gotta watch out the kid is good.

  2. Extenuationg circumstances for one of Oakland County's most outstanding group of young men/golfers led White Lake Lakeland to pull one of their players for medical reasons on number 10. The Lakeland team ended up having to count the score of their 5th man, who struggled that day. The Eagles still had 2 players finish in the top 15 and medal. We all have bad days, hold your heads high Lakeland!!!
