Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The MWGA held their annual scrambles and player-of -the -year honors

The Women of the MWGA held their first outing of the season recently and also had the time to announce their players of the year and board of directors. The women are a lot of fun and invite you to join them.

The Michigan Women's Golf Association recently held its annual meeting and spring scramble. 2012 Golfer of the Year and Players of the Year were announced. The 2013 board of directors was introduced, and following the meeting, the first golf competition of the year was held. The attached release provides details. 
Sara Wold presents the Sara Wold Trophy to Shelly Weiss, MWGA 2012 Golfer of the Year
2013 MWGA Board of Directors, seated, l-r: Belinda Friis, Sara Wold, Barbara Porter, Denise Buechel, Sue Madej, Kathy Brennan; standing, l-r: Deb Horning, Monica Oliver, Francine Pegues, Nancy Serra, Barb Coury, Pat Shelton, Mary Warnick, Lu Stockton, Bonnie Teegen (Not pictured: Shirley McClain)
First Flight winners of the 4-Woman Scramble
Front row, l-r: Yvette Gagnon, Terry MacPherson, Sue Madej, Jodie Chapa, Pat Witek, Karen Beasley, Shelly Weiss; Back Row, left to right: Cynthia Pinkard, Deb Horning, Lori Rogers, Jane Kersjes, Barb Porter, Susan Bach, Melinda Counsell. Not picture: Darci Stocker and Sue Macinkowicz
Second Flight winners of the 4-Woman Scramble
L-r: Kathy Brennan, Pat DeMaire, Pam Staub, Nancy Serra, Lori Moore, Denise Buechel, Joan Cleland, Joyce Sutton, Katy Mumm, Monica Oliver, Francine Pegues, Ester Cooper, Belinda Friis, Donna Zick, Barb Coury. Not pictured: Linda Stoddard

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