Sunday, August 28, 2011

PGA Professional Marc White Talks about Shoulder Turn

Marc White
Marc White
Marc White has been teaching the game of golf for 30 years and is a proponent of the classic golf swing. I get nervous when a golf professional tries to pack in too many tips in order to improve your game. I admit that after lessons I usually am on a learning curve trying to integrate the tips into my next round and sacrifice my scores for a round or two before muscle memory kicks in and I improve. Then you get another lesson and the process repeats itself. During this lesson, Marc said that when you are standing over the ball that proper shoulder turn works like this.
First, your legs should not move at all other than the natural movement needed to turn your shoulder. In otherwords, you do not need to sway your legs in order to accomplish this.  Your left shoulder should replace where your right shoulder is and your eyes should be behind the ball as well as your left shoulder which should also be behind the ball. Got that? While there is more to it than that, remember, your left shoulder (for right handed golfers) should replace the right shoulder which is now building torque. During your follow through, the weight transfer should push your left shoulder over your left leg. I promise some pictures next week to illustrate this. My recommendation is to go to the driving range after a lesson and hit a large bucket or two. It is true that this is a snapshot of the golf swing and players build their swing component at a time. Marc is very hands on and works with you with both video on site and with a flip cam to help you during the course of a lesson.

Marc WhiteMarc White PGA Professional
Contact Information
Golf Studio: (248) 393-3085 ext. 700
Cell Phone: (248) 891-3321


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