Monday, April 1, 2013

Dropping it in the slot helps make you have pure impact

      Bob Krause is known for his connections and ability to quickly analyze and fix a golf swing. His latest tip concerns dropping it in the slot on the downswing. What does this mean. When you are turning your hips from your back to front hip your hands do not swing in a pendulum but drop straight down before proceeding toward your target.

     At impact, the ideal swing will have both hips open up on the downswing and if someone is standing behind yu they should see the left butt cheek at impact.  For those of you saying huh!, it goes like this. Your hips rotate from back to front with your butt being parallel to the ball and your club after being dropped straight down coming from the inside to have that pure impact feel at contact. Follow through and you should hit a dandy. Bob is always up to something and you can find him at Clickondetroit.

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