Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Bogey Golf Tour Kicks Off with a contest

APRIL 2013 Bogey Golf Tour RADIO CONTEST: Listen to AM800 and FM 93.9 the River for our Bogey Golf Tour radio ad and if you are the first one to call, email or Text Todd at the Bogey Golf Tour the date and time you heard our ad then you could win a FREE $60 Bogey Golf Tour 2013 membership good for Ontario and Michigan.
THUR April 11th, 2013- Bogey Golf Tour SIGN UP DAY- MASTERS PARTY from 3 p.m. till 7:30 p.m. at Walkerville Brewery 525 Argyle Rd. Windsor, Ontario N8Y 4Z8.  Come watch the Masters on a 12 ft screen, enjoy the FREE HORS D’OEUVRES and sample all four of Walkerville’s fantastic Brews (Pale Ale, Walkerville Black, Premium Lager, and Session 1 Kölsch-style Ale).  Go to to find out more about these amazing beers.
Chipping and putting contests with prizes.  Bring a friend.  Drop by for the fun, watch the masters, sign up for the tour, and register for tournaments.
Go to for more details.

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