Saturday, September 3, 2011

College Recruiters and Prep Golfers Talk About the Recruiting Process

     If you want to know how the college recruiting process works, check out this video story on the Oakland Press that was shot at the AJGA event at Warwick Hills the last week of August.

Whatever the sport…  arguably and the argument is a short one, parents want their student athletes to  have exposure in front of college scouts. The world of golf is no different and while players could be scouted at high school matches… it really is not cost productive for most colleges to recruit a player. Basketball has the AAU and other sports have their methods but in golf a primary recruiting method  is  to visit top notch competition in the American Junior Golf Association also known as the AJGA. The AJGA has been in business since the 1970’s and they have a primary focus. Chris Richards gives his take in the interview piece. Interviews are included on players including freshman University of Michigan golfer Lauren Grogan. Grogan is from of all places, Columbus, Ohio. Grogan is committed to arch rival Michigan and gives advice to golfers going through the recruiting process
What players and parents believe and what college recruiters are looking for are often two different things. Many NCAA coaches will not go on the record to tell you what they are looking for believing they will be under the watchful eye of big brother and will trigger an investigation. Off the record they say that while going low on the golf course is great, academics also works but that is not the deciding thing. The clincher is how a player conducts them selves on the course and how they fit in with their teammates makes all the difference.
One coach…. University of Indiana Asst Coach Jaime Broce checked with his compliance officer before agreeing to this interview and said this is what makes a future Hoosier golfer and character counts more than you know. .
Golfers who want to receive a college scholarship whether partial or full must have the entire package of game… grades and personality. Some might not see it as fair but with all of the golfers who go can low… college recruiters can be picky and those missing one or more elements on the sidelines.

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