Friday, July 22, 2011

Tiger, What Goes Around Comes Around and that Goes for Steve Williams.

Adam ScottOn The Four Letter Newtork, Nick Faldo said most players changed caddies quicker than swingers change partners. Tiger Woods fired Steve Williams because he caught him moonlighting with another player not named ..... well Tiger. I did not have to investigage this incident like Ruppert Murdoch and tape any phone lines but I do  have pictures. (See above) Wow, what a convenient excuse for Tiger. Frankly Tiger must have been looking for this excuse because he cannot expect Williams to basically take a year and a half off while Tiger rehabs his knee, image and ego. You mean you basically lay the guy off for 18 months and fire the guy for putting food on his families table. Tiger, that is pretty creepy and just plain awful. I mean the guy asked you if he could caddy for Scott at the US Open and then didn't ask you for an event a few weeks later and you '86 him.

I would not feel sorry for Williams though. He earns a base fee like most caddies and a percentage of Tiger's winnings as it is spelled out in PGA Tour guidlines. Williams had this to say in the golf story that was released by the

Link is here.  >>>>

     In my opinion, Tiger should have fired Williams during his marriage collapse. I do realize that they were great buddies but when Tiger was trying to save his marraige, I have to believe that Elin told him to fire Williams in between her best attempts to use frying pans as frisbees but somehow she went and he stayed. That is some buddy. Golfers, have you seen Elin lately? If I am Elin there is no way I am buying that he could pull a Colonel Klink and say that "he knew nothing." Come on. Anyone that has ever been a teammate during a sporting event has talked about what you are going to do after the game and usually you join them in their after curricular sport or here about the details and at least keep their mouth shut while the shenanigans are going on.

Williams is no saint either. Tiger is a bore on the course and Williams was his egomanical enabler. How many fans were yelled at for getting too close to his buddy and his boss.  Both parties should just move on and let this die down and it will in a few days.

“To be let go after a period where I’ve stuck through thick and thin, and I’ve been incredibly loyal to the guy, that’s what I find disappointing,” he told New Zealand’s TV3 News on Wednesday. “You’ve got to gain someone’s respect and what Tiger went through at the completion of 2009, I told him when I first met up with him again in 2010 at Augusta that he had to earn my respect back. He was aware of that and he would know right now that I’ve lost a tremendous amount of respect for him. Through time, I hope that he can gain my respect back.
“I’m not disappointed in the fact that I got fired; I’m just disappointed in the timing of it given the fact that I’ve been loyal to him. Obviously, that loyalty didn’t mean much to him.”

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