Sunday, May 27, 2012


The story formerly here has served its purpose and is no longer archived here.


  1. Joe, lists its full schedule and all participants. It appears he only played in tournaments prior to his first HS event, which is kosher. It doesn't appear that he played in more than 2 outside events (US Open Local Qaul being exempt from the limit), so he could have played up 'til the USGA APL Qual. He could have helped his team to a better finish in the last 3 tournaments, and conceivably helped them earn a chance to go to States, albeit without him. Whatever . . . his call. Not my place to judge making the decision at this point in time, just glad he didn't get away with more than the "legal" number of outside events -- as has happened despite this writer's protestations previously.

    1. "as has happened ... previously" -- better clarify: Francesco was NOT involved in above-referenced incident.

    2. I really do not understand why the MHSAA will not let a player play in anything they want as long as it does not coincide with a team date. The golf season is short in Michigan and most players have to play indoors or go to a warm weather place to keep their games in shape. This is not a good rule as it currently sits. You can play hoops all year long as you can in tennis and a lot of sports. Golf is not one of them. This traps a player.

    3. I disagree. You cannot play AAU hoops and play for your high school team during the same season

  2. TOTALLY disagree, Joe, Do your research. This rule, which applies to many sports, helps the student athletes maintain their focus on their school team during the high school season. Two outside events is just fine. Allowing players to play in more puts the emphasis on the "I", not the team. And YOU'RE the one that pointed out the importance of that. As you say, "the golf season is short." Fine. Then two outside tournaments is enough. During the high school season, they should focus on that. It's 18 hole invitational events and 9 hole dual meets. That's high school golf. If you want to petition the MHSAA, I suggest you do your research and find a much-needed proofreader.

    1. Amen, brother. MHSAA rules allow a golfer to "persue" [sic] any number of outside events prior to competing in a high school event. Very liberal compared to other sports, in-season. I don't understand the exceptions for US Open Local and Sectional qualifying (#3 and potentially #4). Max Kollin got burned 2 years ago for competing in an early-bird Adams event in East Lansing. (Shame on for holding that during the season, said Adam to the apple.) Choose! If you can't try out for the MI Am and the MI Open AND US Open Local/Sectional AND play at FWCT Championship (Corey Szmadzynski) AND at at invitational in South Carolina (Reed Hrynewich) ... then you choose (which the latter gentlemen did) and you live with it. Mr Ruffino has chosen US APL over high school golf, and that is his prerogative. (... they really don't belong to a country club, though?)

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Why do you even care about this?? What has Francesco Ruffino ever done to you?? Why dont you blog about something important??

  5. I cannot believe u are so obsessed with this situation, I guess u must have golf envy...I thought Specs Howard was a reputable broadcasting facility.....wonder how you made it through...

  6. So you delete someone's comment because it pointed you out at the at fault individual? wow i thought people came here to voice opinions. And for you to go out and blatantly attack a teenager in not one but two blog posts simply goes to show you have a "small man's complex". From what I've heard Francesco made an informed decision which most teenagers at his age wouldn't do! High school is a mere four years of your life. FOUR years! After that it's over and your accomplishments from there do not follow you through whatever career you choose to pursue. Same goes with any college sports. If a football player was drafted to the NFL would he stop and say "oh no wait i have to finish the next year or two with my team". NO! he would go play for the NFL and if his teammates and coach truly support him then they shouldn't have a problem with it. Francesco is not at fault, he is pursuing his dreams and for you to say that he is being inconsiderate or selfish just shows how ignorant you truly are. Grow up Mr. Akers!

  7. Wow, it is pretty gutless to make personal attacks on a writer because you disagree with their opinion and then keep it anonymous. It is a news story and the opinion was balanced and the news was true. Look at the comments posted above. I hope he wins a lot of golf tournaments. He is too talented not to.

    1. Gutless???? YOU deleted my previous post??? NOW who is being gutless?? I so wonder how you would feel if the shoe was on the other would you feel as a parent if the same attacks were being launched about your child?
      Also please re-educated yourself on the word "personal attack",and "writer". I am sure you will find your definition and Websters not in agreement.
      Here is another word to the wise...if there is anything else posted about Francesco Ruffino that in anyway can be perceived as malicious and displays a defamation of character, there will be no other recourse except to consult an attorney and stop this inappropriate unfounded attacks on him and his family.

  8. hah you literally make me laugh. find a better way to spend your time sir since obviously writing is not your forte. i am not afraid of a petty ignorant uneducated person... i couldnt figure out how to post it with my name on it from my phone. My name is Jillian Gutierrez a college student who gave up being a student athlete in pursuit of an education. and yes thats right i know the person who's comment you deleted. which in reality seems pretty gutless to me. can't take it when someone goes after you? hmm i wonder how francesco must feel when he sees these posts. you did not clarify in your original post that you hope he does well as a golfer. but rather you question his intentions. that he is in pursuit of "individual honors". but isn't professional gold an individual sport? this seems to be the path this young man is set towards. he is an extremely talented golfer! your facts are not accurate as a previous comment stated... go find another hobby since you can't cut it out as a writer

  9. Psycho chick... get a life

  10. Jillian GutierrezMay 29, 2012 at 8:45 PM

    ohhh boy another "gutless" person posting anonymously. gosh such great advice! and wow im psychotic now too... maybe everyone should get a dictionary to freshen up on their vocabulary definitions. well hey at least the only thing accurate in that statement is my gender. good for you! breaking some new ground there copernicus

  11. I agree with Jillian, but what i want to know is why Franceso is your main point of emphasis? In his eyes he might be thinking what's best for his golf career, and what might take him further. In your eyes you might see it as a mistake. Even if it is a mistake, (which i don't think it is) that's life! Mistakes are what brought us where we are right now. You should have realize that by now.....

  12. There is no "I" in team? Apparently there is no Ruffino in team either.

  13. Jillian, I am adding this comment anonymously because I don't "do" social media, so I don't think there is any other way to comment; I'm not stating my name because (a) who knows if I'm telling the truth and (b) I have more namesakes than you. (Meaning your name tells us nothing.) When you (or your family) seek(s) media coverage from an early age ... you pretty much lose the right to hide behind ANY shield, as relates to that which you sought media coverage. Would you not agree? I would love some follow-ups on the individual junior golfers that Keith Dunlap and other Michigan writers have profiled over the years. How is Joey Garber faring at Georgia? What's Michael Murray up to? Matt Alessi? Is Loyola treating Nick Dennis alright? How many realize that Chris Cunningham was GLIAC Freshman Golfer of the Year in 2010-2011? Joe Akers is not the world's best writer, but he has been balanced with regard to this individual. Further, he has attempted to fill the huge void in coverage of local junior golf. In another 15 minutes very few will ever think about this particular situation again.

  14. FYI you continue to assume things about a person whom you obviously know nothing about.You "anonymous" are making such comical statements one now can see why this country of ours continues to breed uneducated humans. NO one is hiding,no one is seeking attention. This is a child with some true God given talent. Yes and what a nice change of scenery it would be to have other coverage on other kids,as long as the truth be told! And you are again right "anonymous" in a few yrs. when Francesco is done with college and is on the Pro- all will be eating your words.

    1. Please don't bring God into this, He could care less about golf.

    2. Which Pro Tour, Jillian? As long as you're prognosticating you may as well go all the way. You missed my point about posting with a name (vs "anonymous"): YOU (collectively) are anonymous to all but those who are close to you. "We" don't have any idea who you are, nor do we care. This is an internet forum not a pre-election debate. Only the ideas matter. As for "breed(ing) uneducated humans" ... breeding? Really? What a terrible word to use in regard to humans. I hope it isn't a word you plan to use in reference to your own children.

    3. I followed up my "which pro tour" post with another that appears to have been deleted. I think I used what some prudes would consider to be a naughty word. I will try again: this is a forum to discuss matters which Joe Akers has included in his blog. The only names that matter are Joe's (his blog) and those people about whom Joe writes. The rest of us ARE anonymous, in that it doesn't matter WHO we are, it only matters WHAT we have to add to the discussion. If Jillian wants everyone to know who she is she can start her own blog. And she can keep anyone who isn't a Kentucky Derby contender or a border collie from contributing to the discussion, ie, those with "good breeding". Some of us are happy that Joe is bringing more awareness to the local golf scene. Pretty sure I couldn't give a rat's what Jillian would blog about anyway.
