Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Blog readers should read a story before making snap judgements

Hey, we all make decisions and judgements before coming to conclusions. That statement is not just for teens or for parents that judge those teens but it goes for you and me. A blog reader called me out on my opinion on the Oxford scorecard situation. Super. But please read the story I referenced which is tagged below my response.
Anonymous said...
Jon, read the original Oakland Press story. The Oakland Press asked the AD and coach for a comment and they said they gave their side of the story to the MHSAA and declined further comment. When you decline comments, often others fill in the blanks for you. The blog entry did not say the player was a serial cheater. This was most likely a one time thing and perhaps even a misunderstanding and all could have learned from it. As a coach, why play a player when they admit to an imporpriety at the next tournament. Remember, we report the news and give the newsmakers a chance to explain actions. No one is talking at the school in question and the player was not mentioned. If he had not played at Flushing Valley last week, this would not be a story. I am very sure he is an outstanding young man who probably made a mistake. Haven't we all done that?

Here is the link.

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