Sunday, March 3, 2013

Michigan Golf Show: Interview with Todd Smith

     The Michigan Golf Show is

 wrapping up and I was there with 

plenty of interviews and stories. One

 interview that may draw 

your interest is the interview with

 founder Todd Smith. Smith 

recaps the event this year and clarifies that vendors are free 

to choose where they showcase.


  1. Great interview Roy! My buddies and I went to the show looking to purchase our annual passes to Forest Akers and found out through the vendors that they had been kicked out of the show for participating at a new show in Detroit.

    It sounds like a bum deal, but I called the shop and they are going to mail the specials, so I am set.

    In the interview with Todd, did they say how many courses were kicked out. I heard all kinds of rumors, but I went to the Toledo Show and Maple Hill was at that show. Kinda a bummer to kick out Michigan State and not others.

  2. I also enjoy Forest Akers golf course. Todd mentioned to me that 8-9 courses did not get the invite. He told me vendors are free to choose which show to do but he will not allow vendors to do his show in Detroit if they go to another Detroit area show such as Novi. I do not think this pertains to Toledo, Lansing and so on. He said he has about 1 million invested in the show at Novi. I do not have the resources to check out the facts regarding money and this is none of my business. The bottom line is the Novi show is certainly a great show.

  3. Joe, thatnks for asking the questions. I was a vendor at the show and I can say for a FACT, that Todd flat out lied on a number of items he told you. The best thing Todd did for the Motor City Show was kicking out Forest Akers, because all the vendors like myself were talking about it! While not with Forest Akers, I do know their GM and talked extensively with him. My biggest concern is why he would single out Forest Akers, which is a great public course and has been at the Novi show since its inception, but allow almost all others into the show that were at the Detroit Show (Treetops, Grand Traverse, Lesson on Golf, Maple Hill, Lakewood Shores, Indianwood, and more).

    There are many courses that would love to do both shows in the future and I hope your readers understand what Novi is doing. It only hurts Detroit, Michigan and the game of golf.I went to the COBO Show and had a great time and will be going back in the future!
    Ask yourself this, why is there a Boat Show at COBO the same week as the Motor City Golf Show and one at Novi the week after the Novi Golf Show? Obviously, the boat shows coexist (and both are great shows that draw tons of people).Why not the Golf Shows.
