Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Tom Watson would be great as a Ryder Cup Captain

Not that anyone wants to get rid of Davis Love III but Tom Watson's name is coming up as the next captain of America's Ryder Cup team. I am not sure I would want that gig. For my money, Tom Watson can captain the Ryder Cup team about anytime he wants and he has history of being the captain on the winning side. He was the captain of the team back in 1993 which resulted in an American victory. That is one reason why he might be involved as no lead is safe for the Yankees. Watson said he's interested but Davis Love III still has the captaincy. I have nothing against Love III but the itch to scratch for the power to be is to put Watson back at the Captain's table.
Story below.
SYDNEY – Tom Watson says he'd consider captaining the U.S. team at the 2014 Ryder Cup at Gleneagles in Scotland, 21 years after his first successful effort.
The 63-year-old Watson said Sunday at the Australian Open that he hadn't been approached, but that it would be a privilege to take over from Davis Love III.
Watson says ''It would be a great honor if I got tapped on the shoulder ... '93 was the last time I've been to a Ryder Cup. I'd like to go back as captain. That would be cool.''
Watson played on Ryder Cup teams in 1977, 1981, 1983 and 1989 and successfully captained the Americans to victory over Europe at The Belfry in England in 1993.
Europe won the Ryder Cup this year at Medinah with an improbable last-day comeback.

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